



[The standard of marketing] #1 Tipping Point




[The Standard of Marketing]
Do you remember the 'Standard of Mathematics' concept book? It is a book composed of conceptual explanation-conceptual arrangement-practice questions to understand, apply, and solve various principles. PLATEER's "Standard of Marketing" was also organized in the same way. I'll introduce the main marketing concept first and explain it in detail based on specific examples. We will also organize insights or some questions for marketers to consider in order to apply them in practice.
We look forward to re-engraving the essence of marketing and serving as a useful concept book for anyone who wants to establish a more effective strategy.



Tipping Point: Conceptual Description


A tipping point is literally a "point of sudden flip." From a marketing point of view, it means a dramatic moment when a situation progresses slightly, then at some point, the balance is broken and everything changes in an instant. It is a concept that became famous when a book of the same name published in 2000 by Canadian journalist Malcolm Gladwell became a bestseller. Malcolm Gladwell cited the "Hush Poppy" resurgence of Wolverine World Wide, an American shoe maker, as a case in point of tipping point. In the conceptual organization section below, we will introduce it in detail.




Tipping Point: Conceptual Summary


[Phenomenon] A brand that has lost its popularity
In the early 1990s, Wolverine World Wide, which owns several shoe brands, was considering phasing out the once-hugely popular brand "Hush Poppy" after its annual sales dropped significantly.

[Small change] A few things to keep an eye on
✅ Young people in Manhattan's East Village start buying 'Hush Poppy' shoes at outlets and elsewhere due to scarcity of 'no one wears them'
✅ Designer 'Izak Mizrahi' utilizes 'Hush Poppy' shoes to sell new design clothing
✅ Designer 'Energy' utilizes 'Hush Poppy' shoes at the fashion show
✅ Designer 'Joel Fitgerald' sets up sculpture of 'Hush Poppy' mascot Bassett Hound1) on the roof of the boutique
✅ Actor 'Pee Wee Himan' buys and wears several pairs of 'Hush Poppy' shoes


[Result] Tipping point occurred
A year later, Hershey Poppy enjoyed such explosive popularity that sales boomed again in shopping malls across the U.S.


[Meaningful discovery]
On the surface, the corporation was doing almost nothing. If you look closely at this phenomenon, you'll find some hidden features.
① Infectious behavior (adopted as a teen fashion item)
② Small changes have big consequences (a handful of celebrities leveraging forgotten brands)
③ At some dramatic point, the transmission is fast-paced (it's back in popularity a year later)




Tipping Point: Practical Application


What should we do to get tipping points for our products?


case study questions

(1) the laws of the few

a handful of people wearing Hershey Poppy that no one wears
➡️ The 'influencer' group of the present era

Find a small number of groups

⁕ Who are the potential customers we are targeting?
⁕ Who is the potential customer's favorite influencer?
⁕ Which of the listed influencer would go best with our brand?

(2) Stickiness factor

Fashion Leaders Rewearing Hershey Poppy + Rare Items
➡️ Item I want to have again

Creating Attractive Messages

⁕ What message can our products send to our customers?
⁕ Which of the multiple message candidates will be the most memorable for the customer?
⁕ Is there any way to repeat this message?
⁕ How can we replace our message with customer behavior in order to remain in our customer's memory for a long time?

(3) the power of a situation

Designer Fashion Show Reemerges as Actor's Dressing Item, Hershey Poppy
➡️ Get unique originality 2)


Creating an environment where products are revealed

⁕ First of all, be sensitive to market changes and trends!
⁕ How does our product address the needs of our customers these days?
⁕ In what environment will our products be the most pointed?
⁕ Why don't we create this particular environment and set up a influencer or target group of customers?



1) A short-legged hound symbol of the Hershey Poppy brand
2) Originality, the unique originality of the product or its value






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