Depending on whether it is B2C or B2B, effective on-demand media, or corporate official SNS channels, can vary depending on what type of business or main product it is. YouTube and Instagram, which ranked first and second as SNS channels in the "Apps Used by Koreans for a Long Time" ranking in the first quarter of 2024 released by the app retail analysis service. And we've summarized some ways that SEO (Search Engine Optimization) can help you collect traffic from Google, a portal site where blog search exposure is important.
[Series preview 👀]
① How to Collect Organic & Paid Traffic
② Traffic Characteristics and Response Strategies for SNS Channel (→ We're Here Now!)
[1] Instagram
What are the essential tasks of corporate account operators for Instagram traffic explosion?
① Gathering Minimum Followers to Boost Instagram Operations
How many followers do corporate Instagram accounts have? Russell Brunson, the author of Traffic Secrets and a global marketing strategist, recommends gathering up to 10,000 followers. That's because when you get 10,000 followers, the hidden feature of Instagram becomes very attractive. The "swipe up" feature, which is activated when the number of followers exceeds 10,000, takes you directly from the story to an external link. Without having to click on a profile link, we can bring potential customers to the funnel we want.
② Follow 100 core targets and get inspiration from them
Who are following corporate accounts? It can be an influencer with a large following among the potential customers we target, or it can be a company we want to model. Any account should be in a situation where we have a reference. This is because we can target similar customer groups or get hints when entering the market we want to serve. When following someone, corporate account operators must follow strict standards. Follow 100 minority people to quickly catch up on their shared messages and read market trends and trends. We also need to see which hashtags and captions are popular and drive customer behavior.
③ Add Call To Action (CTA) to induce follower engagement
Instagram allows one link in the profile area. The corporate account mainly discloses links to its website. If you want to communicate more actively with your followers, it is also a good idea to replace them with shortcuts to ongoing events, events, and promotions. If you don't want just one link, you can also use services such as link tree (https://linktr.ee/) ) to provide you with a variety of options. Clicking on a profile link leads you to a link tree page, which lets you set a free shortcut button. Although the number of links is unlimited, it is recommended to keep around five links that are exposed on one screen considering the fatigue level of the customer.
TIP +) How to use hashtags
✅ Use up to 30 hashtags on each post to expose your search!
✅ Post the hashtag in the first comment (or reply) after posting to avoid full exposure of our company's representative keywords!
✅ Let's take a look at the hashtags that 100 core targets love and use them periodically in our posts!
[2] Blog
We've rounded up how to use Google better, which content marketers should be aware of for blog traffic explosion.
① Review Keyword Search First Page
Give search users a better experience! The most important thing for Google is to show results that the user will be satisfied with. This is why unique algorithms exist and are periodically modified. Understanding these characteristics of Google makes it good to plan what content to write.
For example, when writing content on a topic related to D2C's own mall, you can search on Google. You can understand the needs of users who want to consume content and which content was the most popular by checking each of the contents listed from the first page to the second page. Based on this, you can write the latest technology that your competitors did not contain, and if you include success stories and insights that only our company has, you can create unique content that Google can expose to the top.
② Discover Search Keywords
What keywords are likely to attract potential customers? We need to discover key keywords related to product attributes, characteristics, and service sectors, as well as keywords that are of interest to related topics, and create content based on them. The easiest way to find out is to search for expected keywords directly on Google and analyze those keywords, related keywords, and high-exposure content. In addition, if you discover long-tail keywords related to the core keyword and produce additional content, you can achieve amazing traffic coverage in a few months.
③ Leveraging Paid Banner Advertisements
Not the first click, but the second click is important! The customer searched for a certain keyword on Google, and clicked on one of the results. What if they click on a paid ad in the open page and it hits our homepage? Russell Brunson stresses that these very second clicks are very valuable clicks. He points out that there's a good chance they'll be able to be converted into purchases. Instead of charging the first link to be exposed in your search results, you should focus your money on the paid page to be clicked the second time. (The first click is more likely to be a simple tour customer, but the second click is more likely to be a purchase.) To do this, you can Google for paid banner ads in specific media you're exposed to. If you're looking for quality traffic on an advertising budget, I recommend you study this!
[3] YouTube
In order to explode YouTube traffic, video content representatives need to identify some constraints and characteristics.
💡 Length of the most attractive video
: If possible, it is recommended that the video not exceed 60 to 120 seconds. This is because videos longer than that have a very high chance of leaving. Also, it is consumed quickly only when it is a short video, and there is a high probability of being watched until the end. If there are many clicks and many people who have watched it until the end, the likelihood of receiving recommendations from YouTube algorithm increases. If our video has no choice but to be a little longer, it is recommended to engage customers with a short summary video and guide them to watch the original video. Please note that the YouTube recommendation algorithm considers the audience's participation (view time, comments, likes).
💡Information to be included in the first two sentences of the description
: The first two sentences in the video content's explanation feed should contain keywords and CTA. This is because this is the first area you can see without scrolling. Russell Brunson recommends adding up to three hashtag keywords to expose your search. It is also emphasized that selection options, such as clicking CTA, are visible without having to cross the hurdle of clicking more.
💡 Core data to be analyzed
: I uploaded the video to YouTube. What data should the channel representative basically check? First, we're going to check the number of clicks we've clicked on each content. The additional data we need to analyze here is the retention indicator. We need to check the retention rate in the first minute to make sure it stays above 70%. We need to check the overall retention of the video so that as many people as possible can watch the video to the end, and continue to improve this indicator.
💡 Induce continuous series viewing
: We need to make them watch our series of videos in a row. Not only does the number of views of the video increase, but it also has a good overall impact on the channel. For this, try dividing a 30-minute long video into five-minute segments and putting it on your playlist. If you are touched by the first video, you will naturally play the second video and lead to the third video. If you watch our videos in a row like this, you can increase the ranking of your channels.
1) Keywords with more specialized or specific information, although less frequently searched than common search terms

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