



3 Key Principles to Disarm Your Customer's Mind ③




According to the marketing status report1) of online marketing software company Hubspot said, two of the three markets, two market conversations are less than 10%."In other words, it means that 10 potential customers can purchase only one can purchase.If you brought customers with a sharp brand marketing strategy and clear branding strategies?I'll tell you how to capture customers' hearts on the website.


[Preview of the series]
① a sharpened marketing strategy
② a branding strategy that is completely unambiguous 
③ the pinnacle of persuasion, the strategy of a well-selling website (→ we are here!)




1. Manage website quality


Customers who visit the website see the level of the main screen and evaluate the company and its products. This is why many experts point out that the website should be created properly before conducting an advertising campaign in earnest. Since the point where customer conversion occurs is the website, we need to create a satisfactory environment in terms of aesthetics and functionality. According to the User Experience Status Report 2) published by SAUSELABS, 41 percent of customers said, "I think companies with uncomfortable websites will make low-quality products." Two out of five people distrust companies with low website quality.


Harry Beckwith, a world-renowned marketing expert, says the secret to a well-made website lies in the ICE law. ① Convincing ② Evidence should be delivered immediately. Let's take a closer look.


[1] Persuasion: Customers have never experienced our products (or services) yet. Customers have been introduced with the mindset of venturing into the unknown. You need to see how it works best when you persuade customers. It can be a high-quality review, it can be a large list of media reports, awards history, or past clients. You need to test what weapons to put to the fore and build a screen based on the data.
[2] Proof: You must provide the "content" you want. If you don't find what you want, you'll leave right away. The first thing to do is that the content serves as a good answer to your questions. Additionally, make sure that the headlines on our website are appealing, that the writing is too small to read, and that the navigation and layout are not designed to be uncomfortable.
[3] Immediately: According to KISSmetrics, 47% of customers prefer pages that load in less than two seconds, while 40% say they leave the page when it takes more than three seconds. Businesses need to be mindful of website loading speeds. Simply optimizing website images and reducing the number of features they need to call can speed up loading.





2. SEO Optimization Management


Optimizing search engines is actually Google's optimization. Naver provides a Search Advisor Webmaster Guide, which makes it relatively easy to resolve website search exposure. In the case of Google, more technical resources are needed in that search exposure is possible only when the search exposure algorithm is constantly changing and Googlebot 3) has a recognizable web page structure. Since Google dominates the search market globally, Google optimization is more important for companies targeting not only domestic but also foreign markets. Let me tell you some basics.


[1] A reliable site environment: GoogleBot must be able to properly recognize our website in order for our content to be exposed as a search result by Google search engines. We need to design a structural structure so that each page's characteristics can be contained in each URL (specific address) for this purpose. Even if there are many pages on a website, GoogleBot will not be able to recognize high-quality content and derive it from search results if it does not give an accurate indication of what each page means. For example, a content page that is newly uploaded each time should be designed so that the title of the content is a URL. Add a meta-tag to the content page to accurately show the key keywords to be searched. If a URL is simply a creation sequencing tool, it is highly likely that GoogleBot will not understand and index the content as a temporary page.

[2] Check & Improve with Google Tools: Search Console, Google's URL checking tool, is a free site analysis tool provided by Google. You can see how often Google visits our site to collect content (crawling statistics reports), whether our content is stored in Google Index (index generation reports), and how much content on the site is exposed and clicked on Google search results (performance reports). You can check each report result to eliminate errors and see how to improve them.

[3] Unrivaled Content Publishing: Google filters out the best information on each topic and manages it to become a reliable source. Google is gaining status as a search portal because of its "search power" that makes it easier for users to find the information they want. We need to publish unique content based on our company's unique experience in order to expose our content on the first page of Google. You need to have good content quality to be able to compete in SEO optimization. If you regularly send high-quality content such as insight reports, customer success stories, columns, and interviews that no competitor can imitate, you will naturally be at the top of the search without being too conscious of the algorithm.




3. Customer Experience Management


"Customer satisfaction is not an action, but a continuation of action," Harry Beckwith says, stressing that once a customer is satisfied, it is not the end. The customer always wants more than what they need. The customer's experience should be designed so that the customer who expected small things can be satisfied enough, and the customer who expected a lot can experience the best value.


[1] Strengthening Homogeneity: Homogeneity means 'a feeling that is similar and familiar to each other and fits well'. Show the homogeneity that we understand the customer's problems well and are thinking about how to solve them. From content composition to vocabulary used, it creates a mood so that customers can feel comfortable. Customers will get the impression that the company understands me just by reading the copy of our website's main screen and some pop-up banners.

[2] Strengthening Interests: If we are not a single-item company, we need accurate guidance based on customer interests. We need to analyze customer inflow channels and customer behavior data on our website to understand customer needs and interests. If a customer meets certain trigger conditions, an on-site message should ensure that the appropriate offer for that customer is exposed. "Do you need this?" "How about this product?" If you properly help them avoid wasting time and effort on and off pages, they will have a very satisfying experience.

[3] Maintain consistency: Create a brand voice & tone guide to run websites and on-media channels in a consistent brand language. This guide is important because it can maintain the brand language even if the number of people in the company changes. If there is a value that our company considers important, it must penetrate all stages of customer communication. A consistent brand language will be the driving force behind our customers' trust in our brand.




1) Hubspot State of Marketing Report, 2023
2) The 2022 State of User Experience Report: Every Experience Matters
3) It collects documents with search bot software used by Google and generates searchable indexes.




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