



Strong writing strategies to prevent customer churn




Journalist Park Jong-in of the Chosun Ilbo, the author of the book "Journalist's Writing," says, "Writing is the source of 10,000 contents." I think marketers can deeply sympathize with this. There are few places that don't require "writing" skills, ranging from copying advertisements, product details, banner phrases, blog posts, newsletters, and SNS channel feeds. How can I write well, which is the source of 10,000 pieces of content? From elementary and middle level skills to advanced skills, and how to use AI assistants, I have compiled effective writing secrets.




Step 1 [ultra-intermediate] Strategy: Good writing, here's what I write


1) Good writing is simple.
Good writing is easy for everyone to read. It has to be read without hesitation. To write a simple sentence, you need to minimize modifiers first. You don't use modifiers from the beginning, or you exclude modifiers that can be subtracted! I also find and erase the same words that are repeated many times. I try to find out if I used difficult vocabulary and pedantic expressions, and then I solve them with easy and ordinary vocabulary.


2) A short story is better.
Even if it is the same article, a short story is better. Reporter Park Jong-in emphasizes, "I will write as short as possible." In fact, a study1) conducted by a writing expert found that the shorter the sentence, the more 90 percent of the readers understand it, and the longer the sentence, the less than 10 percent of the readers understand it.


3) Please, revise is a must.
Revise is a must for any writing. This is because the revise process completes a better writing. A question arises while reading, but if you can't solve it right away in a paragraph, it's wrong. You should add sentences to solve your readers' questions. You may also find typos and inscriptions. If revise is difficult, I recommend reading out loud what you have written. You can quickly catch awkward sentences that are difficult to read.




Step 2 [Advanced] Strategy: Attractive writing, here's what I write


1) design a structure.
The writing needs to be designed. This is because designing can give the reader the charm of fun, excitement, and twist. When writing an important piece of writing, we divide it into 'introduction-main-conclusion' to organize what will be included in each part and then start writing. If you want to write something interesting and attractive, you need to design four structures: 'gi-seung-jeon-goal (起承轉結). It arouses curiosity about the topic in 'gi (起)', and develops the topic in '承'. Put in the device of reversal to change the phase in '轉' and tie the whole article tightly in '結'


2) Create confidence with facts.
Any writing should basically persuade the reader. Whether it's an advertisement for a product or an explanation for a service, you should be able to be persuaded by the writer's story. To do this, you always need a fact-based basis behind your argument. A fact can be part of the data our company owns, or it can be a result derived from numbers. It can be the results of an expert's research or the statistics of a trusted institution. The writing will be firmer and firmer if you collect facts that can serve as the basis for the writing.


3) leave a lingering impression.
Reporter Park Jong-in points out that the purpose of the last paragraph of the article is 'woolim'. You have to leave a lingering image to resonate with the reader's heart. This lingering image does not give curiosity by stopping in the middle of a story. Rather, reporter Park Jong-in says, "You have to tell the truth 100% kindly to leave the lingering image." It is to present a kind article that gives readers useful information as a fact. Then, the reader will feel happy and refreshed that he or she has acquired some information. This is the lingering image of the article.



Step 3 [Using AI Secretaries] Strategy: It depends on being a marketer


1) Collecting building materials with Generative AI
There are already a lot of Generative AI services on the market. Marketers can quickly collect materials or materials needed for writing by utilizing Generative AI. They get information that is not even derived from portal searches or that is not known through simple searches. What you get from Generative AI is raw materials. The reason you can't turn this into content right away is that it doesn't match the tone & voice of the brand, and it can also be turned away by readers. According to Byder, a digital asset management company, on "customer reactions to AI-generated content or website copy," 26 percent of the respondents said they "feel the brand impersonal unless the copy feels bitter," while 20 percent said they "think the brand is lazy."2) It should not be forgotten that brand-loving readers have a higher sense of the unique voice of the brand.


2) Generative AI advancement training
For the first time in the department store industry, Hyundai Department Store has put the AI copy writing system 'Lewis' into practice in 2023. It is an AI copy writing system specialized in producing advertising copies and promotional copy phrases. By intensively learning the advertisement copies used and more than 10,000 pieces of data that have been well received by customers over the past three years, we are obtaining results with unique colors unique to Hyundai Department Store. By continuing to learn the Generative AI in this way, it can be optimized according to the purpose the user needs. This is possible because AI learns the data entered by the account user and adjusts the model through feedback. If you are in a specific industry or field and are using a Generative AI such as the paid version of ChatGPT, you can advance AI by utilizing data containing expertise, terms, and problem solving methods in that field, and you can gradually get results that match the exact purpose that the marketer needs.



1) Ann Wylie, How long should a sentence be?

2) Duncan MacRae, 50% of consumers can detect AI-generated content, 2024






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